



How to get 900 TOEIC score?(:English, Listening, Reading, study)













Are you ready to take your English skills to the next level? You may be surprised to learn that achieving a 900 TOEIC score is possible with the right study plan and dedication. In this blog, we’ll cover all of the essential steps you need to take in order to boost your listening, reading, and overall language skills so that you can reach that 900-point milestone. So get ready to make some major strides towards becoming a masterful communicator!



The Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) is a standardized test that measures the English language proficiency of people whose native language is not English. It is used by many companies and educational institutions, as it is an indicator of how well a person can perform tasks in an English-speaking workplace. Achieving a score of 900 or higher on this exam can open up career opportunities, provide an edge in admissions decisions, and give you the confidence to take on English speaking roles. Here are some tips for getting the best TOEIC score possible.

Benefits of a High TOEIC Score

Having a high TOEIC score can open up new doors for career opportunities and create more opportunities for international travel. Many companies today will look for qualified candidates who have a TOEIC score higher than 900, so if you are looking to advance your career or break into an international organization it is nearly impossible to do so without meeting the minimum requirements. Additionally, select international visas may require proof of a certain level of proficiency in English as evidenced by your TOEIC score.

Scoring particularly high on the TOEIC test also provides you with the competitive edge over other job seekers who do not possess similar qualifications. Job postings today often list English as one of the primary skills along with specialized skills and knowledge, so having a high TOEIC score indicates that you are capable of communicating effectively and understand social conversations, business presentations and customer service needs in English. Finally, mastering the English language opens doors to larger networks of people around the world, making it easier for those interested in studying or working abroad and connecting with peers from different countries.

Tips for Improving English Listening Skills

One of the best strategies for improving your TOEIC score is to devote time to improving your English listening skills. To do this effectively requires that you learn how to listen and understand spoken English. Here are some tips that can help you improve your listening comprehension in preparation for the TOEIC exam:

-Start by familiarizing yourself with the sounds and rhythms of English. Practice by listening to native speakers, podcasts, or videos designed specifically for language learners.

-Pay attention to key words in conversations rather than attempting to understand every single word. Often times only a few key words are enough for you to get the gist of what is being said.

-Develop strategies for recognizing vocabulary words on the fly that don’t require you to pause and think about their meanings for too long – this will help keep up with rapid conversations more easily.

-Try repeating after native speakers if it helps you internalize pronunciation and cadence better. This can also serve as practice for developing conversation skills.

-Try out different types of conversations from formal lectures, radio programs, monologues, dialogues and debates so that you can gain a better understanding of each type’s language nuances and stylistic conventions.

By putting in the effort necessary to sharpen your listening capabilities, you will be well on your way towards achieving a higher score on the TOEIC exam!

Tips for Improving English Reading Skills

If your goal is to get a TOEIC score of 900 or above, then you need to have a good foundation in English reading skills. Reading extensively and often is the cornerstone of any language mastery. There are many techniques that can help boost your reading comprehension and other language skills, but here are some basics tips to help you on your journey.

1. Read as much as possible: Each day, try to read a wide variety of texts – books, newspapers, magazines, and online content. Regularly challenge yourself by increasing the difficulty level of the materials you are reading.

2. Become familiar with high-frequency words: Knowing common words used in English passages will make it easier for you to quickly understand what is being conveyed in text documents. Make sure to use good dictionary tools when looking up unfamiliar words and keep track of words that you encounter multiple times a day/week/month).

3. Improve overall grammar understanding: Accurate grammatical forms provide smoother sentences which may lead to more natural sounding language compositions that essential for TOEIC success. Learning how subject-verb agreements work will also help build up your ability recognize these errors when they occur in written documents.

4. Practice skimming & scanning techniques: The ability to quickly identify important phrases or key words in a text document is an important skill for TOEIC test takers – learning skimming and scanning tactics will help develop this skill set faster than traditional methods alone would do so practice these exercises regularly with different sets of materials until it becomes second nature!

5 Practice visualization & note-taking skills: When preparing for the reading section of TOEIC exams try using methods such as visualization or note-taking alongside traditional methods like rereading texts – this can aid with creating mental images than improving understanding overall by allowing students more freedom of interpretation over material being presented!

Strategies for Studying for the TOEIC

Many students find the Test Of English for International Communication (TOEIC) exam difficult to prepare for. The TOEIC tests your English proficiency on a wide range of topics, from work-related language, to comprehension passages and speaking exercises. Getting a high TOEIC score requires dedicated study and preparation. Here are some tips for how to best prepare for and conquer the TOEIC exam:

Study the right materials: Start by reviewing the types of questions that will be asked, so you know what to expect and will be familiar with them on test day. There are many books available with official practice tests and sample questions; use one or more of these resources to get a better understanding of what you’ll need to do on test day.

Create a study plan: Not all study approaches are created equal, so create an individualized plan that fits your lifestyle and learning style. Buy some practice books or flashcards and create specific goals you’ll aim to reach every day or week leading up to test day. Also be sure to vary the exercises—mix it up with vocabulary drills, reading tasks, grammar tests, and more!

Listen actively: An important part of effective studying is listening actively—paying close attention not just to the words themselves but their intonation as well. Listening actively also means being able capture key information in short order (even under time constraints). Try listening exercises such as dialogues or audio lectures – but first be sure that you understand the meaning of any unknown words by referring back to your study guide!

Take breaks: Studies show that taking regular breaks helps absorbs information faster while reducing fatigue caused by over-studying. Make sure you schedule regular breaks throughout your studying; don’t forget small rewards including snacks or rewards when reaching milestones in your studies!

Practice tests & Simulated exams : Most importantly - take simulated exams under timed conditions multiple times before test day – this will allow you see types of questions being asked as well as get familiar with time pressure associated with actual test conditions – even if it's just 30 minutes at a time - this can go long way towards helping build confidence on test day!

Resources to Utilize for TOEIC Preparation

Having a good preparation for the TOEIC exam is essential to achieving a high score. There are a variety of resources available to students to help them acquire the skills necessary to excel in this demanding test.

Study guides can be your most valuable asset while preparing for the TOEIC. Study guides provide key information on what topics will be covered, sample questions, and tips on how to study more effectively. There are also online TOEIC practice tests available that allow you to get a realistic idea of what it is like to take the actual exam and increase your chances of success. Audio and video programs, such as podcasts or online tutorials, provide additional insights into each individual topic and can be beneficial in furthering knowledge on certain sections of the exam. Additionally, many people find that having a tutor or studying with classmates can provide helpful feedback on areas needing improvement and foster confidence ahead of the test day.

Finally, taking care of oneself during preparation is important for peak performance come exam day. Adequate rest and healthy eating habits ensure energy levels remain high throughout cramming sessions as well as reduce stress associated with performance anxiety. Setting realistic goals for each day helps keep both focus and momentum. With proper use of these various resources, along with consistent practice, you should find yourself ready to conquer TOEIC!

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Nine hundred on the TOEIC test is an achievable goal. To reach it, you need to understand the format of the test and avoid common mistakes. Here are some of the most frequent errors made when taking the TOEIC exam:

1. Not reading instructions carefully: Many questions on the TOEIC require you to choose from a list of options, so make sure you fully comprehend and follow all instructions given by the test monitor.

2. Failing to proofread: Carefully checking your answers for errors and typos can often be a difference between success and failure, especially in multiple-choice questions.

3. Not understanding how much time should be spent per question: Improper timing can cause stress and affect your performance, so make sure you allocate enough time for each question to answer it properly without rushing through it.

4. Choosing too many or too few answers: Again, some parts of the TOEIC require either one or more than one answer, so pay close attention before submitting any choice.

5. Learning only "TOEIC words": Memorizing vocabulary without understanding its context will not help with comprehension questions or conversations -- in fact, it could even hurt your score if you are unfamiliar with common usage scenarios. Make sure to pay attention to grammar as well as memorize words that are important in academic and casual settings in order to prepare optimally for the test's listening section as well as reading comprehension part .

6 Taking too many practice tests: Constantly training may over-exhaust you mentally which can result in bad performance due to lack higher focus on game day; balances practice tests with other forms of learning such as flashcards or mock conversations as well as taking breaks when necessary .

Following these tips will not guarantee a perfect score but they should help reduce common mistakes that occur during testing conditions which is integral if you want have a shot at hitting 900!


The TOEIC exam is a challenging test to pass, and reaching a score of 900 requires hard work and dedication. With an effective approach and commitment to preparing for the exam, your chances of achieving a 900+ score greatly increase.

To boost your score on the TOEIC, focus on expanding your English vocabulary and understanding of grammar usage, practice active listening and reading as often as possible with scholarly sources or books related to the TOEIC exam topics. Additionally, review online resources provided by major TOEIC publishers such as ETS’s official list of resources – prep tips, study guides and official practice tests are available on their website. Finally, aim to make positive lifestyle adaptations such as regular exercise and adequate sleep that help keep you academically strong during intensive test preparation. To maximise success on the day of the exam, go in with a clear head and be prepared for what lies ahead.














TOEIC(Test of English for International Communication)は、英語を母国語としない人の英語力を測定するための標準的なテストです。英語圏の職場でどれだけ仕事ができるかを示す指標として、多くの企業や教育機関で利用されています。この試験で900点以上を取得すると、キャリアの可能性が広がり、入試の判定で有利になるほか、英語を使う職務に就くための自信につながります。ここでは、TOEICのベストスコアを取得するためのコツをご紹介します。
















  • 英語の音とリズムに慣れることから始める。ネイティブスピーカーやポッドキャスト言語学習者向けのビデオなどを聴いて練習する
  • すべての単語を理解しようとするのではなく、会話の中の重要な単語に注目する。多くの場合、ほんの数個のキーワードで、話の大意はつかめる
  • そのような場合、一旦立ち止まって意味を考える必要はなく、その場で単語を認識する戦略を立てる
  • ネイティブスピーカーの発音を真似ることで、発音やリズムを身につけることができます。これは、会話力をつけるための練習にもなる
  • 講義、ラジオ番組、独白、対話、討論など、さまざまなタイプの会話に挑戦し、それぞれの言葉のニュアンスや文体の決まりごとをよりよく理解できるようにする








  • できるだけたくさん読む。毎日、本、新聞、雑誌、オンラインコンテンツなど、さまざまなテキストを読むようにしましょう。定期的に難易度を上げてチャレンジしてみましょう。
  • 頻出単語に慣れる。英文の中でよく使われる単語を知っていれば、文章中の内容を素早く理解することができます。知らない単語を調べるときは辞書を使い、1日・1週間・1ヶ月に何度も出てくる単語を記録しておくとよいでしょう。
  • 文法全体の理解度を高める。正確な文法形式はスムーズな文章を生み、TOEICの成功に不可欠な自然な作文につながる可能性があります。また、主語と動詞の一致の仕組みを学ぶことで、文章中の誤りを認識する能力を養うことができます。
  • スキミングとスキャニングのテクニックを練習する。スキミングとスキャニングのテクニックを学ぶことで、従来の方法よりも早くこのスキルを身につけることができます。
  • ビジュアルとノートの取り方の練習をする。TOEIC試験のリーディングセクションの準備の際、テキストを読み直すような従来の方法と並行して、視覚化やノートの取り方などの方法を試してみてください。これは、提示された資料に対してより自由に解釈できるようにすることで、全体的に理解を深めるよりも、心象を作り出すのに役立ちます






多くの学生が、TOEIC(Test Of English for International Communication)の試験対策が難しいと感じています。TOEICは、仕事に関連する言語、理解できる文章、スピーキング練習など、幅広いトピックであなたの英語能力をテストします。TOEICの高得点を取るには、熱心な学習と準備が必要です。ここでは、TOEIC試験の準備と攻略のためのヒントをご紹介します。










模擬テストと模擬試験 テスト前に何度も時間を計って模擬試験を受けることです。そうすることで、どのような問題が出題されるかを確認し、実際のテスト状況に関連するタイムプレッシャーに慣れることができます。



















1. 指示をよく読まない。TOEICの多くの問題は、選択肢の中から選ばなければならないので、モニターから与えられる指示を十分に理解し、それに従ってください。


2. 校正を怠ること。特に選択式の問題では、誤字脱字がないかを入念にチェックすることが、合否の分かれ目になることがあります。




3. 1問にかけるべき時間を理解していない。不適切なタイミングはストレスの原因となり、パフォーマンスに影響を与えるので、急がずにきちんと答えられるよう、1問あたりの時間配分を確認しましょう。


4. 答えが多すぎたり少なすぎたりするものを選ぶこと。TOEICの問題には、1つまたは2つ以上の解答が必要なものがありますので、選択肢を提出する前によく注意しましょう。


5. 「TOEIC単語」だけを覚える。文脈を理解せずに単語を覚えても、理解問題や会話には役立ちませんし、むしろよく使われるシーンを知らないとスコアが下がる可能性もあります。文法にも気を配り、アカデミックな場面やカジュアルな場面で重要な単語を暗記することで、リスニングや読解に最適な対策をしましょう。


6 模擬試験の受けすぎ。フラッシュカードや模擬会話などの他の学習方法と練習テストのバランスを取り、必要に応じて休憩を取るようにしましょう。
















