

くまのプーさんとは何なのか?【Who is Winnie The Pooh?】






Who is Winnie The Pooh?(: Pooh, Disney, Christopher Robin, Movie, Book, Bear, History)


Everyone knows about Winnie The Pooh, the lovable bear from Disney’s classic Pooh movies, but did you know that this beloved character has roots in a real-life story of friendship? Join us as we explore the history of Winnie The Pooh and Christopher Robin to discover how this charming story came to life!


Introduction to Winnie The Pooh

Winnie The Pooh is an iconic character created in 1926 by A.A. Milne, an English author and playwright. He is one of the most beloved characters of all time and has become a globally recognized figure. The lovable bear lives in the Hundred Acre Wood with his best friends, Christopher Robin, Eeyore, Piglet, Owl, Kanga and Roo. Winnie the Pooh has been depicted in a myriad of media such as books, movies and television shows since he first debuted. He is best known for his child-like innocence and thoughtful musings on life, love and friendship which have resonated with generations of people around the world. His simple yet profound stories bring positivity to any situation at hand and have captivated young minds to this day. Winnie’s loyal fans do not just feel affection for this fictional character - they actually consider him part of their family.

The History of Winnie The Pooh

Winnie The Pooh is one of the most beloved characters in children’s literature. He was created by A.A. Milne in 1926, based on his son Christopher Robin’s stuffed toy bear.

Winnie The Pooh first appeared in a book of two stories: “Winnie-the-Pooh” and “The House at Pooh Corner”. He was an immediate success and has since been adapted into numerous other forms, including a Disney feature film and television series, television adaptations of "The House at Pooh Corner" and many products from soft toys to accessories bearing his bright and friendly face.

His friends – Eeyore, Piglet, Tigger, Kanga and Roo – were all based on the stuffed toys that belonged to Christopher Robin. The main character in the stories was inspired by a real-life Canadian black bear named “Winnipeg” who had been brought to England as a cub. A photo exists of Christopher Robin feeding honey to this bear in London Zoo from 1920–1923 during visits with his father.

The illustrations for both books were done by EH Shepard which are still classics today; they bring both stories alive with life details such as rabbits poised in midair while they chatter away or bees buzzing erratically around the bee tree on their way home after a day collecting honey!

In addition to the two books, several collections of poems have also been issued featuring Winnie The Pooh as the central character many times over including Mostly Pooh (1977), The Verses of Winnie-the-Pooh (1996) and Winnie-the-Pooh's ABC Book (2003). In 2000, three new picture books were published: Return to the Hundred Acre Wood (2009), The Best Bear in All the World (2010) and Winnie-the-Pooh: Exploring a Classic (2011). Each drew on Milne's original stories for its inspiration but used contemporary illustrations by Mark Burgess instead of Shepard's black line drawings used previously in other editions of A.A Milne's work featuring Winnie The Pooh.

Winnie The Pooh and Disney

Winnie The Pooh is a fictional bear created by English author A.A. Milne and first presented in a collection of stories in 1926. He has since become one of the most recognizable cartoon characters in the world and beloved by millions of children and their parents alike. After Walt Disney Productions acquired certain rights, Winnie The Pooh made his first animated appearance in 1966, becoming the company’s most successful franchise ever. A succession of short subjects, featurettes, television series and two motion pictures were made based on the creation of Milne, providing an amiable embodiment of childhood innocence with which children could connect. Winnie The Pooh continues to be available on broadcasting outlets worldwide and represented by merchandising products with sales estimated to total more than $6 billion since 2006.

Winnie The Pooh and Christopher Robin

Winnie The Pooh is a beloved fictional character created by A.A. Milne in the 1920s and 1930s. The character's adventures were first featured in the book Winnie-The-Pooh (1926), followed by The House at Pooh Corner (1928). In these beloved stories, Winnie The Pooh lives in a Hundred Acre Wood alongside his other animal friends; Piglet, Eeyore, Tigger, Kanga, Roo and his best friend, Christopher Robin.

The stories of Winnie The Pooh often revolve around Christopher Robin offering his friends advice and guidance as they embark on their adventures. While Winnie never consciously attempts to be wise or moralistic, he displays common sense in much of what he does and often behaves with kindness to others even when money or some other reward is involved. This trait makes him an endearing character for generations of readers who have grown up with him and his friends over the years.

The tales of Winnie The Pooh capture childhood innocence and teach lessons about friendship, loyalty and finding strength in yourself that still resonate today. In 2018 Disney released a feature film based on the characters that brought many new fans to the world of Winnie The Pooh while at the same time bringing everyone who has ever loved him back home again to enjoy one more adventure with their favorite stuffed bear


Winnie The Pooh in Books

Winnie The Pooh is a beloved children's character from author A.A. Milne's books, which were first featured in 1926. He is an anthropomorphic, honey loving bear that lives in the Hundred Acre Woods. Each of the stories follows Winnie-the-Pooh and his friends Piglet, Owl, Eeyore, Rabbit and Tigger on their adventures to find honey and delight in their day-to-day lives.

The stories evolved from the previously penned works of A.A.'s son Christopher Robin's make believe animals he played with as a child likely helped inspire this iconic creation. Winnie The Pooh soon found success with readers both young and old as his appeal spanned many generations of readers eager to enter his world of carefree living and imagination every time they pick up one of his stories.

This timeless classic spawned dozens of spin offs; theatric animations, stuffed animals, parks, even video games all bearing the Winnie The Pooh trademark that remain popular well into today's era proving without a doubt that this lovable bear will be around for future generations to enjoy.

Winnie The Pooh in Movies

The character of Winnie the Pooh has been featured in film for decades. He first appeared in Disney's 1966 short film Winnie the Pooh and The Honey Tree, followed by Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day in 1968. The third installment, Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too, followed in 1974. Each of these shorts was nominated for an Academy Award.

The first major motion picture starring Winnie the Pooh was made by Walt Disney Feature Animation and released on April 13, 2011 under its final banner “Disney MovieToons” (now defunct). Titled simply “Winnie The Pooh”, this movie brings Christopher Robin back to Hundred Acre Wood for a reunion with some old-friends.

Disney began releasing featurettes starring beginning 2017 with Christopher Robin being released on August 3rd 2018. These series include mini movies entitled: "Winnie The Pooh: A Very Merry Pooh Year", "Poohs Grand Adventure: The Search For Christopher Robin" , "Boo To You Too! ~ Winne The Pooh" ,and "Piglets Big Movie".

Each movie features the beloved characters from AA Milnes books as well as new adventures created especially for these films.


Winnie The Pooh as a Bear

Winnie the Pooh, or simply Pooh, is the protagonist of A.A. Milne's beloved children's books, Winnie-the-Pooh and The House at Pooh Corner. Pooh was created by A.A. Milne in 1926 and first featured in the book Winnie-the-Pooh.

At first, Winnie the Pooh was just a toy bear owned by Christopher Robin, a real boy living with his parents near London, England. However, these two characters quickly became inseparable friends who embarked on all manner of adventures—and misadventures—together. Many of Christopher Robin’s friends have animal counterparts and personalities that perfectly match their actual human counterparts’ personalities: piglet is easily blinked; Eeyore is always feeling blue; Owl has an almost encyclopedic knowledge; Kanga is diligent and nurturing; Tigger is bouncy and optimistic; Rabbit is always preoccupied with his vegetable patch; Roo loves to join his friends on their journeys; and lastly there's Winnie The Pooh himself whose biggest passion in life is honey!

Although he may look like an ordinary bear cub at first glance, it doesn't take long to discover that he has a truly extraordinary character—he loves all of his friends ferociously (no matter how grumpy they seem) even if he occasionally gets into some sticky situations in his search for honey! He also has a great knack for solving problems using not only intelligence but also kindness and friendship—all traits that make him the lovable bear we know him as today!


It is easy to see why Winnie the Pooh is such a beloved character; the lovable bear and his friends capture hearts and imaginations with their simple charm and innocent adventures. The tales of Winnie the Pooh prove that true friendship can overcome any obstacle, no matter how small or large. Moreover, Winnie the Pooh centers around simple lessons that everyone can learn from: Be kind, have courage, use your imagination, appreciate friendship and make time for adventure with loved ones. Though Christopher Robin grows up and moves away, leaving his friends behind in Hundred Acre Wood, the stories he tells live on in popularity even through the present day.






















プーさんの仲間であるイーヨー、ピグレット、ティガー、カンガ、ルーは、すべてクリストファー・ロビンが持っていたぬいぐるみが元になっています。物語の主人公は、カナダに実在したツキノワグマ "ウィニペグ "がモチーフになっており、子グマとしてイギリスに連れてこられました。1920年から1923年にかけて、クリストファー・ロビンが父親と訪れたロンドン動物園で、この熊に蜂蜜を与えている写真が現存しているのです。




この2冊以外にも、『Mostly Pooh』(1977)、『The Verses of Winnie-the-Pooh』(1996)、『Winnie-the-Pooh's ABC Book』(2003)など、何度もくまのプーさんを主人公にした詩集が出版された。2000年には、新たに3冊の絵本が出版された。2000年には、『Return to the Hundred Acre Wood』(2009年)、『The Best Bear in All the World』(2010年)、『Winnie-the-Pooh: 2011年には『くまのプーさん』も出版されました。いずれもミルンの原作からインスピレーションを得ていますが、くまのプーさんを描いたA.A.ミルンの他の作品に以前使われていたシェパードの黒い線画の代わりに、マーク・バージェスの現代版イラストを使用しています。
























くまのプーさんを主役とする初の大型映画は、ウォルト・ディズニー・フィーチャー・アニメーションによって製作され、「ディズニー・ムービートゥーンズ」(現在は終了)の最終バナーとして2011年4月13日に公開されました。タイトルはシンプルに「Winnie The Pooh」、クリストファー・ロビンが旧友との再会のために百エーカーの森に帰ってくる映画です。


ディズニーは、2018年8月3日に公開されたクリストファー・ロビンとともに、2017年から主演の長編映画の公開を開始しました。これらのシリーズには、「くまのプーさん」と題されたミニムービーが含まれています。A Very Merry Pooh Year」、「Poohs Grand Adventure: クリストファー・ロビンを探せ」、「Boo To You Too! ~ ピグレッツ・ビッグ・ムービー」です。










































